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Explanation of the procedure for processing personal data

STA LOGISTICS LLC (Company, Operator) processes personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

In some cases, we transfer certain information about you to third parties – our partners, including to the territory of foreign countries. Data transfer is carried out only from your consent and on the basis of a contract with partners that establishes protection requirements personal data.

We use personal data based on your consent or contract, and we can also process previously distributed personal data in open sources.

At any time, you have the right to receive information about the processing of your personal data and receive access to your personal data. You can also request to stop processing your personal data, including their deletion, as well as revoke your consent to data processing without explanation.

By providing consent to the processing of personal data, such data will be processed in accordance with the Policy STALOGISTIC regarding the processing of personal data.

Please read our Policy, in which we tell you in more detail about which we process the data, and about your rights in relation to personal data, and also explain clearly, why and how we use data about you

Personal Data Processing Policy STALOGISTIC

01 General provisions

This document defines the policy of STA LOGISTIC regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter – Policy) of site users,,, (next– Site).

When using the Site, you trust us with your personal information. We are doing everything to ensure it at the same time, we provide you with the opportunity to manage your data. In the present We explain to the Policy why and how we collect and use your personal data.

On the Website, we process the personal data of the following data subjects (hereinafter – Users):

-     potential and existing contractors (customers, contractors, etc.) of STA LOGISTIC and their representatives;

-     candidates for a position, internship or training in STA LOGISTIC;

-     subscribers of STA LOGISTIC newsletters;

-     employees of STA LOGISTIC and persons who previously had an employment relationship with STA LOGISTIC;

-    other users of the Site.

The policy is developed in accordance with By the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.05.2021 No. 99-Z "On personal data protection" and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus in the field of information protection.

02 Who processes the information

The operator of Personal data is a Limited Liability Company "STA LOGISTICS". In this Policy "STALOGISTIC", "we", "us/us" or "our" means STA LOGISTICS LLC.

Registration number: 190471006

Legal address: 220123, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, V. Khoruzhey str., 25, building 3, isolated room No. 3.


03 What data do we collect, for what purposes and on what basis do we process them

Processed data



Information provided by you when registering in your personal account on the Website (full name, email, phone, postal address, company name, registration number, information about education – university, course, teacher)

To provide you with access to the full functionality of the Site

Distribution of information and materials about the services and offers of STA LOGISTIC and


Information provided by you when filling out the Application Form on the Website

To consider an application for employment, internship or training



To consider an application for employment, internship or training


Information provided by you for posting on the STA LOGISTIC work history Website (Full name, position, photo, labor functions)

To provide candidates for employment with information about corporate life in STA LOGISTIC


Information provided by you at the stage of preadaptation before employment (information from an identity document, information about education, work experience, military registration, family composition, health status, autobiography)

To consider an application for employment

For the formation of reference materials for internal accounting

Processing of information during registration of employment relations

Information provided by you in the "Bid Request" section on the Website (full name, name company, email, phone)

To send a response to the received request

To adapt our services and offers to your needs


Data about your activity while using the site (for example, the messages they post you type in the chat window on the site, search information on the site, page browsing history Website, access date and time, etc.)

Audience analysis to improve the quality of STA LOGISTIC services and offers


Identifiers: (HTTP headers, IP address, cookies, web beacons/pixel tags, browser ID data, hardware and software information, wi-fi network data)

Audience analysis to improve the quality of STA LOGISTIC services and offers


Data that we may receive from our partners in accordance with the terms of contracts concluded between us and the partner (for example, information from Yandex.Metrica statistics services, Google Analytics and so on.)

Audience analysis to improve the quality of STA LOGISTIC services and offers


Data provided by representatives of counterparties in the framework of the conclusion and execution of the contract with STALOGISTIC

Conclusion, execution, modification and termination of contracts with counterparties


Data that we can get from open sources

To consider an application for employment, internship or training

Absence of the data subject's requirements to stop processing or delete personal data data - in relation to previously distributed personal data.

* Providing your consent to the processing of personal data STALOGISTIC, you agree to us performing the following actions with the data: collection, systematization, storage, modification, use, depersonalization, blocking, distribution, provision, removal, both with and without automation tools. Consent is given for a period up to the moment of its recall.

04 How we protect your data

We process your Data in a way that ensures their proper security, including protection against unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, other unauthorized or illegal processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage of Personal Data and from other illegal actions in relation to them.

To protect Personal Data during their processing, we have implemented a set of legal, organizational and technical measures.

4.1. Legal measures:

-     STA LOGISTIC has local regulations in the field of processing and protection of personal data. Our employees are familiar with such acts and follow their requirements in work;

-     inclusion of provisions on the protection of personal data and other protected information in employment agreements with STA LOGISTIC employees. If necessary, we conclude separate confidentiality agreements.

-     inclusion in agreements with STA LOGISTIC partners whose activities in any way be connected with the use of personal data, conditions aimed at ensuring the protection of such information.

4.2. Organizational measures:

-     periodically we monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the applied measures to protect personal data in STA LOGISTIC;

-     documentation of personal data processing activities;

-     STA LOGISTIC has appointed persons responsible for the implementation of internal control of personal data processing;

-     systematic training of STA LOGISTIC employees involved in processing and protection of personal data.

4.3. Technical measures:

-     use of information security software;

-     availability of mechanisms for detecting unauthorized access to personal data and response measures;

-     software and technical restriction of access to personal data.

05 Who do we share your data with

In order to achieve the purposes specified in section 3 of the Policy, we may transfer personal data:

-     employees, if they need access to personal data to perform work responsibilities;

-     STA LOGISTIC affiliates, including other companies, branches and representative offices from the group of companies to which STA LOGISTIC belongs, on the basis of contracts, prisoners in accordance with Article 7 of the Law on Personal Data. Contact details of our offices;

-     to our partners-providers of cloud storage, advertising services, web analytics services, mailing lists (for example, Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Drive, etc.);

-     to third parties to whom we are obliged to provide information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus (for example, at the request of state bodies).

06 How long do we store your data

We store your data for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, or during the period provided for by law.

After achieving the goals or in case of your withdrawal of consent, STA LOGISTIC will delete personal data in during the period stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

07 Your rights

The right of the data subject


Implementation procedure

1. The right to receive information about the processing of personal data

You have the right to receive information about which, for what, on what basis and in what way we collect and use your data, including information about STA LOGISTIC and the deadline consent to the processing of personal data.

Within 5 working days after receiving your request, we will provide the requested information, or we will notify you of the reasons for refusing to provide it.

2. The right to receive information about the provision of personal data to third parties

You have the right to receive information about which third parties have access and on what basis to your personal data. Once a calendar year, such information is provided free.

Within 15 working days after receiving your request, we will provide the requested information or we will notify you of the reasons for refusing to provide it.

3. The right to make changes to personal data

You have the right to require STA LOGISTIC to make changes to your personal data in in cases where they are incomplete, inaccurate or no longer relevant.

Within 15 days of receiving the request, we will make appropriate changes to your personal data.

4. The right to terminate the processing of personal data or their deletion

You have the right to demand that STA LOGISTIC stop processing your personal data free of charge data, including their deletion in the absence (loss) of grounds for processing such data.

Within 15 days of receiving the request, we will stop processing your personal data. data, except in cases where STA LOGISTIC has the right to continue processing personal data if there are grounds established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


5. The right to revoke consent to the processing of personal data

If your consent is the legal basis for the processing of your personal data by us However, you can revoke it at any time. You can withdraw consent without explanation reasons. This will not affect the legality of the data processing grounds until the moment of revocation your consent.

Within 15 days of receiving the request, we will stop processing your personal data. we will delete the data and notify you about it. The exceptions are the cases, when STA LOGISTIC has the right to continue processing personal data if there are grounds, established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6. The right to appeal against our actions

If you believe that our actions in processing your personal data violate legislation or your rights, you can file a complaint with the authorized body.

The complaint is submitted to the National Center for the Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Belarus in electronic or written form. The term of consideration of the complaint is 1 month from the day following for the day of its registration. The procedure for appealing is established by the Regulation on the National Center protection of personal data.

To exercise one or more of the rights listed under No. 1-5, you need to send STALOGISTIC the corresponding request indicating: full name; the essence of the requirements; personal signature or electronic digital signatures. If personal data was processed on the basis of a contract, such a request must also specify the address of residence, date of birth, identification number or number of the document certifying personality.

The request can be sent:

-     in writing to the address: 25 V. Khoruzhey str., bldg. 3, isolated room No. 3, Minsk, 220123, Republic of Belarus, or

-     in the form of an electronic document to the email

08 Cookies

In order to better meet your needs, we need to store and accumulate information about how you use the Site. For this purpose, small text files are used, which they are called "cookies". Cookies contain small amounts of information and are uploaded to your computer or other device from the Site server. More detailed information about cookies and how they work can be found on the resource

We use the necessary analytical, functional and advertising cookies.

Analytical cookies are necessary for statistical purposes, help to improve performance our Website and make it more convenient for your use.

Functional cookies that store information about your actions in the process using the Site so that we can adjust its operation to the preferences of Users.

Advertising cookies are used for the purposes of marketing and advertising our services in the display environment. network Yandex and Google.

By using the Site, you consent to us being able to upload cookies to your computer or another device according to the conditions described above. However, you have the ability to manage cookies in your browser settings. More detailed information about changing the settings of your the browser for the purpose of blocking or filtering cookies is available on the resource или

Please note that deleting or blocking cookies may affect the user interface when using the Site.

09 Updating this Policy

STALOGISTIC reserves the right to make changes to this Policy.

If the changes are significant, we will send you an additional notification to the address you specified email address.

The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Website.

Changing cookie settings

Cookies are text files saved by the browser on a computer (mobile device) of a website user, when the latter visits the website, in order to record the actions performed by the user. Cookies are used to maintain or improve the performance of websites and to provide analytical information.

Files that store information to ensure the functioning of web resources, information about the user’s choice to accept/reject cookies, and do not use any information about the user that can be used for marketing purposes or to keep track of visited websites. Disabling this type of cookie may limit the user’s access to the functionality of the web resource

Files that store information about the choices made by the user (user name, language, region, etc.). Disabling functional cookies has no effect on the performance of the web resource.

Files designed to evaluate the performance of web resources and storing information about user preferences and the most viewed pages of a web resource. Disabling analytical cookies has no effect on the performance of the web resource.

For the list of processed cookies, see Cookie Processing Policy of STALOGISTIC»