Growth in Container Traffic at Port of Antwerp-Bruges: Indicators Return to 2022 Levels
25 october
# Market News
*The image is for illustrative purposes only. Source: Internet.
The total weight of container traffic also increased, with a 13.5% growth for the third quarter and a 9% increase over nine months.
This growing demand for container transshipment has driven the port’s total cargo turnover up by 3%, reaching 37.3 million tons. As a result, the share of containerized cargo in the port’s cargo structure rose to 57%, compared to 49% at the start of 2022.
Meanwhile, demand for new car transshipments declined, with around 700,000 units processed in the third quarter—a decrease of nearly one-third compared to the previous year. Over the nine-month period, car turnover dropped by 16%. Additionally, liquid bulk cargo volume saw a 9% decline in the third quarter, following stable levels in the first half of the year.